
SeafoodChain enters Pilot Phase


SeafoodChain enters Pilot Phase with three customers involved, all from separate areas of the seafood industry value chain. They are integrating the SeafoodChain solution into their business processes and ERP system, enabling them to track halibut along the supply chain from fish eggs to plate. 

SeafoodChain enters Pilot Phase2021-06-07T13:57:46+01:00

Blockchain and supply chain: Their distributed nature and great compatibility


ARYZE spoke with Stephan Nilsson, founder and CEO of UNISOT. He shared with us how Satoshi’s white paper inspired him to found UNISOT, the need for improved supply chain management, and how blockchain can be leveraged for social impact.

Blockchain and supply chain: Their distributed nature and great compatibility2021-06-07T13:59:01+01:00

SeafoodChain opens the Seafood Industry to Transparency like never before


The seafood industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the global food industry. Today’s consumers are becoming more conscious and regulators are becoming more demanding. This requires more accurate, instant and comprehensive information regarding food products and their history.

SeafoodChain opens the Seafood Industry to Transparency like never before2021-06-07T14:00:26+01:00
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