Blockchain-Traced Seafood in Supply Chains
Caroline Nilsson2021-10-04T13:49:38+01:00A Case Study of Norwegian Salmon for the Chinese Market. Master thesis by Andreas Høieggen Steensæth - Molde University College.
A Case Study of Norwegian Salmon for the Chinese Market. Master thesis by Andreas Høieggen Steensæth - Molde University College.
Vemund Holte Igesund & Fredrik Sebastian Rognstad fra Høgskolen i Molde var i dialog med UNISOT, som nylig har utviklet et sporbarhetssystem som tar i bruk blockchain teknologi for sporing av fiskeprodukter.
The blockchain is the only technology that gives all parties across the entire supply chain coherent information regarding the products in an irreversible public record.
The fish farming industry is one of the fastest growing industries in Norway, and is stated to be the “new oil” and one of the most important industries for the future.